Recording Policy Information

Blair students (Undergrads & Academy students enrolled in performance lessons) who wish to use a performance hall to record an audio or video file for an audition may do so by following the scheduling process & recording policies.

Students will normally be limited to two recording sessions (including Blair engineer) of two hours each per academic year. Exceptions may only be made by the Dean, through a special recommendation by a faculty member. The Dean's exception must be in writing.

Recording sessions should be scheduled no earlier than four weeks ahead, which helps avoid late cancellations. They should be scheduled no later than two weeks ahead if a Vanderbilt engineer is to be used.

Scheduling Process

  1. Consult EMS for possible dates.
  2. Student secures faculty approval and makes sure accompanist is available for the target date. Arranging a second-choice date is a good idea, just in case.
  3. Student contacts John Sevier, Director of Technical Services, to arrange for a Vanderbilt recording engineer.
  4. Having secured agreements with all the necessary parties, if the desired dare is still available, it may be booked through EMS.
  5. One week prior to recording, student double-checks all arrangements.

Contact Us

Blair Operations Supervisor
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music
2400 Blakemore Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212

615.322.7508, Direct
615.322.343.0324, Fax