Advanced Placement
Scores from Advanced Placement Examinations are received by the Blair office in August, not before.
Due to the late reporting of freshmen's most recent scores, students should register for courses as if no credit has been earned. Changes may be made once scores are received by the school.The Music Theory AP exam does not earn credit for B.Mus. students.
AP exams and scores for which Vanderbilt University extends course credit.
Students who have original documentation reflecting scores of 4 or 5 may submit this directly to the Blair Office of Academic Services:
Office of Academic Services
Blair School of Music
Vanderbilt University
2400 Blakemore Ave.
Nashville, TN 37212
Secure Fax: 615-322-7913
International Baccalaureate
A score of 6 or 7 on the Music (higher) Exam earns credit for MUSL NO EQUIVALENT (3 credits, elective) for all students, including B.Mus. majors.
A score of 6 or 7 on the Music (standard) Exam earns credit for MUSL 140 (3 credits), but only for students who are not pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree. B.Mus. students do not receive credit for this course.
IB exams and scores for which Vanderbilt University extends course credit.
Transfer Credit
Students may process all transfer credit requests in YES. Complete information is available vie the university registrar's website. Students with questions about transfer credit policies at Blair should contact the Office of Academic Services.