Beginning and Partner Piano

children writing on blackboard

For children ages 3 and older

Partner Piano is an inviting, holistic approach to piano instruction. Students receive a combination of private and group piano instruction. Fundamentals of technique and individual work take place in a weekly private lesson. In the group lesson, two to four students work together to learn rhythm, pitch, musical terms and notation, using a variety of activities. Each student has a private lesson and a group lesson weekly. The program has four tiered levels of instruction, allowing students to progress at their own pace. Partner Piano I is limited to 3-year-olds with a parent or caregiver, so the adult can learn how to help the child with practice at home.

If Partner Piano is not available or is not the right program for a particular child, the instructor will help arrange the best private teacher for your family.

Please email Jama Reagan or call 615-322-4938 to schedule an interview.


Fall 2024 Courses

If you have questions about registration, here is a helpful video detailing the registration process. Still need help? Contact the Blair Academy registrar, Elm Stephenson, or call him at 615-322-7655 for assistance.

partner piano student

Partner Piano I

One 30-minute private lesson and 30-minute weekly group class. (Children ages 3)


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Partner Piano II

One 30-minute private lesson and 30-minute weekly group class. (Children ages 4 and up)

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ChiHee and student

Partner Piano III

One 45-minute private lesson and 30-minute group class.

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teacher and student

Partner Piano IV

One 60-minute private lesson and 30-minute group class.

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