Contact Us
Events Coordinator
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music
2400 Blakemore Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
615.322.7508, Direct
615.322.343.0324, Fax
Blair Students have the opportunity to perform a solo recital in either Turner Hall or Choral Hall depending on their year and major. For more information on the policies and procedure for scheduling a recital please visit our Student Recital Page.
Practice Rooms are available for Blair Students to use. For more information on the policies and how to reserve a room to use for the semester please visit the Practice Room FAQ Page.
Students are able to use the performance halls and for a fee Blair's recording engineers to make recordings for competitions and grad school auditions. For more information on how to arrange a recording please visit the Recording Policies Page.
Blair classrooms are scheduled during the building of the Schedule of Courses (January/February for Fall courses, September for Spring courses, and December for Summer courses).
To book a classroom for a rehearsal or study session please do so through EMS.
Wednesday Event Hour from 12:10pm - 1pm every Wednesday during the semester. classroom and performance hall slots are reserved for educational events for Blair students. Please make a request on EMS for the space you need and check with the Events Coordinator to ensure no one else is using that time that could conflict.
Events Coordinator
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music
2400 Blakemore Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
615.322.7508, Direct
615.322.343.0324, Fax