Contact Us
Events Coordinator
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music
2400 Blakemore Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
615.322.7508, Direct
615.322.343.0324, Fax
Blair students are able to reserve a practice room for up to 3 hours per day for the entire semester to ensure they will get the practice time they need.
Practice rooms are assigned by priority. Students will use the EMS Scheduling System to sign up for rooms. Sign up windows are listed below and start at 8:00 a.m. CT each morning:
Not sure which room to choose? Download a list of practice rooms on each floor. Lists include which amenities each room has, and what categories of students may reserve each.
Please review our Frequently Asked Questions section below regarding any questions you have regarding practice room use.
Events Coordinator
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music
2400 Blakemore Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
615.322.7508, Direct
615.322.343.0324, Fax