Music & Marginalization: André de Quadros

Lecture Presentation

Lyn Bingham, director

January 23rd, 2025 @ 8:00pm

Turner Hall, Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN


This event will investigate the musicking habits and challenges faced by people who may not have access to musical practices because of various circumstances and forces of marginalization. 

André de Quadros, Professor of Music, Boston University will facilitate the conversation.  In addition to being a marvelous choral conductor, Andre specializes in the topic of music and marginalization, and runs a music in prison program. 

Also included in the program will be Vanderbilt Music Therapist Dana Kim, who does groundbreaking work with children and their families at VUCH.

With the help of supplementary funding from chatterbird ensemble, a further invitation may be extended as well to Dr. Rhoda Bernard, Managing Director of the Berklee Institute for Accessible Arts Education, who can add substantially to this event’s focus on marginalized individuals and communities.