Martha Rivers Ingram Center for the Performing Arts
Since the opening of the Martha Ingram Center for the Performing Arts in 2002, Ingram Hall has been a premier venue for the fulfillment of dreams for thousands of young artists. It has also been the the location for two Grammy-nominated recordings, performances of world premieres by the Nashville Opera and Nashville Ballet and live television broadcasts. Every type of event has been staged here. Grand celebrations with on-stage dining, spectacular lighting and multimedia entertainment are a specialty.
Completed in 2001, the performance wing includes:
- Ingram Hall, a 612-seat performance hall with full staging capability, including orchestra pit, opera scene shop, loading dock, dressing rooms and green room
- Choral Rehearsal Hall, with interactive technology, seats 70
- Instrumental Rehearsal Hall for performance, classes and overflow seating
- Conductors' offices and administrative offices
- NightPro audio recording studio
Ingram Hall Seating Chart with Pit
Ingram Hall Seating Chart without Pit
Ingram Hall is attached to the Blair School of Music. If you are looking at the front entrance to the building, Ingram Hall is the glass entrance on the left side.
Parking for Blair events is sometimes available in the West Garage which is located directly across from Ingram Hall.

Steve and Judy Turner Recital Hall
Steve and Judy Turner Recital Hall is a 250-seat recital hall that debuted in 1980 as part of Vanderbilt Blair School of Music's original construction. Noted for its intimacy and warm acoustics, Turner Recital Hall embodies the artistic soul of Blair. It is the principal performing space for Blair faculty and student solo recitals, hosting more than 150 performances annually. It is equipped with two Steinway concert grand pianos, a Dobson Opus 92 pipe organ, and audio and video recording system.
Artists who wish to make use of the Dobson Opus 92 pipe organ in Turner Hall must request permission as outlined in the organ use policy.
Turner Hall is located inside the front entrance of Blair School of Music.
Parking for Blair events is sometimes available in the West Garage which is located directly across from Ingram Hall.
Choral Hall
The Choral Hall was part of the Martha Ingram Center for the Performing Arts construction that was completed in 2001. The intimacy of this 70-seat venue combined with its interactive technology has made it an ideal space to host small recitals, master classes, rehearsals, workshops and larger classes.
Choral Hall is located inside the of Blair School of Music. Once you enter the front door, walk straight and keep left, take a left.
Parking for Blair events is sometimes available in the West Garage which is located directly across from Ingram Hall.
If you are a Non-Profit Organization or Vanderbilt group inquiring about booking our performance facilities please fill out the Rental Request Form for more information including rates and availability
Student Reservation Services
Student Reservation Services at Blair is where you can find information on scheduling a recital, a recording, reserving a practice room or classroom.